Our Psychological Assessment Services
Psychological Assessment is beneficial for both the individual and the organisation, providing objective information about a person’s operating style, their strengths, motivations, work preferences and values. These can then be considered in relation to an organisation’s culture and prospective role-fit. A poor fit can have a very real impact on the individual concerned, as they may be expecting themselves to perform in a way that is not consistent with their natural style. This can create stress and potentially lead to a decrease in self-esteem and personal empowerment.
What to Expect
There will be a series of assessments related to the competencies required for the role. Typically there will be a number of timed assessments, as well as an untimed assessment that considers behavioural style. The timed assessments may create time pressures so it is important to have an appropriate amount of sleep in order to operate to maximum potential. It is also important to bring along photo identification and reading glasses, if you need them when coming into our office to complete testing.
Prior preparation or study is neither necessary nor beneficial, as these instruments are specifically developed to measure natural ability in the relevant areas.
Disclosure of Results
Integrated People Strategies Australia Pty Ltd will provide a Pre-assessment Questionnaire to participants prior to the commencement of testing. This includes a ‘permission statement’ authorising disclosure of the individual results to the appropriate company and / or recruitment consultancy.
Feedback of Results
We will be happy to provide results feedback subsequent to the completion of the selection process. This is provided verbally, via telephone with one of our psychologists once the selection decision has been made.
Locations and Maps
We have assessment facilities throughout Australia, including many regional locations and the option for online testing is available if the recruiter and / or hiring company deem it appropriate.
If you require any additional information, please feel free to contact us.